Number of UK ‘accidental landlords’ dropping
The number of ‘accidental landlords’ in the UK is declining as property tax rules are set to change, says a...
The number of ‘accidental landlords’ in the UK is declining as property tax rules are set to change, says a...
The trade association is calling for the government to stop regulating landlords citing disincentivised small landlords Imla is calling for...
First-time landlords in the UK have range of mortgage options to choose from as the number of deals available to...
UK landlords who sold their properties in 2018 made an average of £79,770, according to the Hamptons International Monthly Lettings...
The UK government has been urged to incentivise landlords that accept tenants on social housing The government has been urged...
JLL has partnered with Lavanda to trial scheme allowing tenants to sub-let their properties JLL has partnered with property software...
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